
Category: Mind

  • Differentiating Self Worth and Sexuality

    Differentiating Self Worth and Sexuality

    We have a very shallow definition of sexual self worth when it comes to relationships. When we are courting someone, our efforts come in the form of sex appeal, beauty, and attractiveness. We use these shallow forms of identification to find a deeper love. There’s a bit of self awareness when it comes to the…

  • Here’s Your Reminder That “This Too Shall Pass”

    Here’s Your Reminder That “This Too Shall Pass”

    I don’t know what you’re going through today, or what you have been going through. I just have one word for you. “This too shall pass.” Nothing in life is permanent. That’s probably a hard concept to grasp at times, but your feelings towards people, things, and situations will change over a given amount of…

  • Emma Roberts Becomes Her Own Woman for Cosmopolitan

    Emma Roberts Becomes Her Own Woman for Cosmopolitan

    Actress, Emma Roberts, gets the cover of the newest issue of Cosmopolitan as she promotes her new Netflix rom-com, Holidate. In this interview we get a little bit more of an intimate look into the actress life as touches on subjects such as how her vision board relaxes her, her recent split, reading and much…

  • The Power of Delayed Gratification

    The Power of Delayed Gratification

    It seems like the more technology and communication allows us to become a smaller world, the more we try to make sure that everything (including our feelings) are convenient. In a certain situation, one may try to persevere through pain, knowing that there is a greater purpose at the end, but too many times, we…

  • Victim Mentality and How to Ease Your Way Out of It

    Victim Mentality and How to Ease Your Way Out of It

    If you were to Google victim right now, the definition you would receive is, “a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.” This harm can be physical, mental, and emotional. From one time to another, we can all say that we were a victim of…

  • Replacing Social Media with a Book

    Replacing Social Media with a Book

    Every thought about what you did before you had a phone to check all of your notifications. The answer to that is probably watch television. What would you do if you were in a waiting room at a dentist office, or waiting for your food at a restaurant. You’d probably be bored. Now, we just…

  • Comparing Yourself to Others is Always a Losing Battle

    Comparing Yourself to Others is Always a Losing Battle

    With social media, it’s easy to get caught up in the glitz and glamor of everyone’s perfect side. It’s also very easy to get caught up in comparing your selfies in your bathroom to your friend’s latest Tahiti vacation. You might feel like a loser just because you see a photo of a friend buying…

  • What is Lucid Dreaming and How Do You Control Them?

    What is Lucid Dreaming and How Do You Control Them?

    Lucid dreaming is simply the ability to know that you are dreaming when you are dreaming. Once one realizes that they are in a dream, he/she can explore and even manipulate aspects of the dream. Usually the realization of dreaming comes with some sort of trigger. Maybe you’re dreaming that you’re on a paradise island,…

  • Lessons from All Major Religions

    Lessons from All Major Religions

    I’d love to say that this article is for all people. You could be an atheist and not believe in a higher power. These lessons that I will write about will help everyone in their everyday life. I’m a practicing Christian, but with this blog and my own studies on the subject. I hope to…

  • The Pros and Cons of Quitting Social Media

    The Pros and Cons of Quitting Social Media

    There’s a growing movement of doing social media detoxes. If you read Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism. You’ll know why the author doesn’t have social media at all. I’m not one to be extreme as I have social media and I believe that it is an essential way to communicate with others. At the same time,…