
Category: Mind

  • Stop Being Such a Try Hard

    Stop Being Such a Try Hard

    Don’t try too hard at what you’re doing? In this world of getting things done, you might be asking why? You shouldn’t try so hard because it comes off as desperation. Trying too hard comes from a place where you feel like your actions are inadequate. You’re efforts aren’t good enough, so you must try…

  • Speak Up! Let Your Voice Be Heard

    Speak Up! Let Your Voice Be Heard

    When you talk about the characteristic trait that successful people have, the first ones that come to mind are probably drive, determination, wealthy, charismatic, well-networked, and countless others. Although these characteristics are great, none of these actually indicate the success of a person. According to a study by Professor Thomas Harrell of Stanford University, where…

  • You’re Probably Cuter Than You Think You Are

    You’re Probably Cuter Than You Think You Are

    You’ve probably been that person to dismiss a compliment of how good you look just because you personally don’t feel the same way. Is it strange that people see us in a better light than we see ourselves? I think it’s because we worry too much our imperfections, when the people around us love us…

  • How to Be Genuinely Charming

    How to Be Genuinely Charming

    We live in a society where the loudest one becomes the most successful. There are plenty of blunt, impolite, and just plain rude people that we actually look up to.When we build relationships, we’re naturally drawn to people who are polite, modest, and agreeable. In other words, they are charming. Here are a few ways…

  • Miley Cyrus Talks Power, Paranoia and Sex in Elle US

    Miley Cyrus Talks Power, Paranoia and Sex in Elle US

    I’ve always been a fan of Miley Cyrus. She’s always been fierce, she’s never been afraid to speak her mind. In this interview with Elle US, she talks about her complex and modern marriage to Liam Hemsworth, how she’s sexually attracted to other women, and why she won’t bare a child. On women’s bodily autonomy…

  • Why Straight Women Fall in Love Other Women

    Why Straight Women Fall in Love Other Women

    It may be taboo for a straight woman to find another woman attractive. It may also be something we were just programmed to believe. I’ve read books like Wednesday Martin’s Untrue, and come to realize that female sexuality can be very fluid. Admiring a woman’s physical features can be just the beginning of the story.…

  • Olivia Munn Stands Up For What’s Right for Women’s Health

    Olivia Munn Stands Up For What’s Right for Women’s Health

    I’ve always loved Olivia Munn. You would definitely know that from my first run with the blog for sure. We haven’t seen her much since her last X-Men movie, but she shows up in the new pages of Women’s Health with a new interview. In her interview, the beautiful entertainer talks about training for roles,…

  • How to Prioritize Self Care with Frankie Miles

    How to Prioritize Self Care with Frankie Miles

    We work a lot. So much that our idea of relaxation is being on an island somewhere. When we take a vacation we have to go somewhere, never really realizing coming home and shutting everything off can be just as effective. In a world where we prioritize the hustle (shout out to Gary V.), people…

  • How to Create a Great Morning Routine with Claudia Wilkinson

    How to Create a Great Morning Routine with Claudia Wilkinson

    I just recently got into having a morning routine of my own. I usually wake up at around 5am, do some body workouts, mediate, and do some reading. I won’t actually tell you to do the same thing because everyone has their own methods that work for them. What I will do is give you…

  • The Characteristics of Highly Intelligent People

    The Characteristics of Highly Intelligent People

    Growing up, I would never really consider myself smart. Yeah, I got good grades, but I thought that being smart that you were constantly in a book and new facts about everything. That wasn’t me. To this day, I’m not the one to be quick to answer, confident, and certain at all times. My definition…