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Category: Mind
Being of Service to Others: Beyond Obligations and Outcomes
It is very difficult to transcend the monotonous expectations of the workplace. We still have performance reviews, deadlines, and an unspoken drive to only succeed.
The First Side of the Story Isn’t Always the Truth
We’d like to believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but we usually take the side of the story we hear first.
The Power of Non-Attachment and Letting Go
When discussing slavery here, we aren’t talking about 1619. We are not talking about people working for no living wage, or to clear a debt. The slavery we are referring to is our attachment to the things of this world. Think about it. We want stuff, obtain stuff, and then we become a slave to…
I’m Pretty Good at Writing About Pride
The more we attribute negativity towards ourselves, the more we spiral into the states of depression we seek to remove ourselves from, ironically with more pride.
Rediscovering True Love Through Selflessness and Compassion
Ironically, doubling down on self-love confirms the need for external validation by trying to become its opposite.
Resistance to Fear and the Willingness to Move Forward
How do we know when we are afraid? Through this learning process, we’ve realized that we need our opposites to learn what things truly mean. Courage is not the absence of fear, but true courage needs fear to act courageously. When we are afraid we fail to accept that we don’t know the unknown. We…
Getting Comfortable with Contradictions
I’ve been completely enthralled with contradictions and paradoxes. Most of the time my brain has been trying to reconcile opposites. We don’t sit with contradictions for too long. If anything, we try to get rid of them when they come up. How can I receive joy from sadness? How is there life through death? We…
There’s No Such Thing As Good Behavior
It almost seems as though judging good behaviors in others is a form of narcissism because it only takes into account how we feel when others behave.
Perpetrating a Cycle of Guilt and Punishment
If we don’t have the justice system or our parents to punish us when we feel guilty, we do it ourselves.
The Positivity in Seeing the Negative
I’ve come to realize negative outcomes are just as likely as positive. Not thinking about the other side doesn’t make it go away.