
Category: Mind

  • Embracing Fear Can Make You Happier

    Embracing Fear Can Make You Happier

    In this article, I’m going to tell you to do something that may seem oxymoronic. It’s something that I’m struggling to do myself. I grew up with a lot of fear, and I’ve slowly been conquering them. One of them being my fear of water. What if I told you that some of the most…

  • Being Silent Could Boost Your Brain Power

    Being Silent Could Boost Your Brain Power

    I think you read this from here, almost every time I write a new blog post. Our world is so “go, go, go.” We place a lot of emphasis on taking action, and if we aren’t doing something, we are doing nothing. As if nothing was a bad thing. The absence of something is very…

  • Confidence is Quiet, Insecurity is Loud

    Confidence is Quiet, Insecurity is Loud

    When arguing with another person, every rebuttal can feel like sweet revenge. It’s definitely the case when you feel passionate about a subject, and another person has the audacity to try to prove you wrong. It feels like you were wronged and the natural response is to fight back. Almost like we’re entitled to reply.…

  • Negative Thoughts Have a Great Effect On Your Well Being

    Negative Thoughts Have a Great Effect On Your Well Being

    A mind is a powerful tool. You’ve probably heard that numerous times, but never really put into perspective what that really means. Have you ever just taken the time to observe your thoughts? What do you typically think about? If you do take the time to observe what you are thinking, and your thoughts are…

  • How to Develop Your Personal Authority

    How to Develop Your Personal Authority

    When it comes to authority, there are two types. You have positional authority. An example here would be your boss or a police officer. Their position in society gives them a sense of authority. Some people take this power too seriously. There are plenty of bosses who believe they can tell their subordinates to do…

  • 5 Love Languages in the Workplace

    5 Love Languages in the Workplace

    I’m rereading the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman, and I’ve come to the realization that we should relegate these languages to just romantic relationships. I believe they should be used for all of our relationships. As a fairly new manager, I’m finding ways to keep the people I work with happy with me and…

  • Nothing is Good or Bad… It Just Is

    Nothing is Good or Bad… It Just Is

    One thing that I’m learning to do to better myself as a person is not to make my own perceptions of what is happening get in the way of what is happening. A lot of reflection that I have done (even on this blog) has to do with something that’s good or bad. I have…

  • I’ve Never Been in Love Before

    I’ve Never Been in Love Before

    The journal prompt I had for today was to define what love means to me. It’s also the day after Valentine’s Day, so love is in the air. Truth is, I’ve never really felt love, or what I would think to be love. I would guess that love is something that’s a natural euphoria. It…

  • A Letter to My Unborn Child

    A Letter to My Unborn Child

    Dear child, If I had you in my arms today, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’m not ready for a child. I’m still trying to figure my own life. I take pride in being independent. Being able to go where I want, do what I want, and not really worry about responsibility. The new…

  • What Kobe Bryant Taught Me About Life

    What Kobe Bryant Taught Me About Life

    It still grieves me to believe that Kobe Bean Bryant is no longer with us. I just wrote about how he impacted my life yesterday. I didn’t think I’d be writing about him as a eulogy to his life, but here I am. Kobe taught me a lot, so I really don’t know where to…