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Category: Mind
Why Most People Don’t Reach Their Full Potential
The answer is easy. We tend to be in survival mode all the time. If you were wondering, there are two modes: surviving and thriving. When we are in survival mode, it means that we are trying to mitigate risk. The biggest importance to you is to make sure that you are safe and that…
To Fight Loneliness, Just Say Hello
It’s been a difficult with us being in isolation. Some of us have been in isolation before COVID. Hopefully this one simple tip can help you if you feel lonely throughout this process or any other aspect of life. It’s to simply say hello to others. It seems very easy to do, but so little…
Why We Shouldn’t Ignore Our Feelings
During one day, we can be going through so many emotions. We have the need to succeed when it comes to work, or we have the fear of missing out when it comes to hanging out with our friends. We aren’t really nurtured to deal with these emotions, but suppress them. We’re actually professionals when…
Why You Should Ask for Help When You Need It
We have too much pride. We would rather pretend to look like we know what we are doing in order to not be perceived as incompetent rather than ask for help. Many people see asking for a help as a sign of weakness. Others simply don’t want others to know that they are struggling. You…
Being Afraid is Okay, but Having Anxiety is Another Thing
Living in fear has to be the worst feeling. Waking up with the same fear you had when you went to sleep. You’re constantly in fight or flight mode because anxiety has a stranglehold over you. It doesn’t help when we’re going through an election year, and we’re constantly getting fed with fear. It’s almost…
Discomfort is Life’s Greatest Teacher
If you want to grow as a person. Sit in quiet for a couple of hours. You’ll grow. Why? It takes you out of your comfort zone. You will see no growth in doing the things you’ve always been doing. You will most likely become a narcissist or bored before becoming enlightened. It’s okay to…
The Reasons Why You Should Never Stop Learning
You probably already read my blog about how the education system is not that good. Another thing that I don’t like about school is that it’s been marketed to us that we can’t learn without it. You can go to school, but once school is over, you’re somehow finished with learning. The truth is, you…
Playing it Safe Isn’t Doing Me Any Favors
Whenever I have a new idea or want to try something new, I will get a little clue. A clue that will tell me not to do it. That hit of anxiety tells me that I shouldn’t take the risk because of all the “what ifs.” My fight-or-flight brain doesn’t realize the difference between calculated…
Your Reality is Just Your Perception of Reality
A couple weeks ago, I posted “Do you believe everything you think?” People probably saw that ominous quote and were like… wtf? This blog post is about perception. I feel I need to write about this because we hear it all the time, “Perception is reality.” I remember teachers telling me not to be myself…
School Doesn’t Prepare You for Life
I’ve gone through the public school system up to getting my Master’s degree. The biggest regret while going to school is thinking that it would prepare me for the practical issues that life brings. The more that I learn about life outside of school, the more I know that I won’t make the same mistake…