Naked Again by Andrew Williams


This week only 11/25 – 11/30: As gift and a thank you for allowing Naked Again to turn 1 year old. I want to give out the ebook for free! Claim your copy now!



Naked Again: Disrobing the World to Uncover Our True Identity

Where does your identity come from? Some might say that they are their profession. Others would say that it comes from their material possessions , whether their large family home or sports car. The truth is we don’t know. At least we don’t know consciously where our identity comes from. Our identity can come from our thoughts and emotions. This means our identity constantly changes due to the volatility of our thoughts and emotions. One can be sad, angry, and happy all within an hour. We’re constantly going through an identity crisis. We identify with our sexuality. We identify with our race. We identify with the food that we eat by calling ourselves vegans and carnivores. The more descriptive we become, the more we separate ourselves from the unity that allows us to thrive. We separate ourselves from each other with identities that don’t originate from ourselves.

This book attempts to provide awareness that our identities come from our subjective minds, which causes them to be meaningless. We would like to believe that our thoughts and emotions are objective because we created them, but those thoughts and feelings don’t necessarily come from us. They are influenced by the world from the first day we’re born. Our identities are shaped by our culture, the influences from the people around us, including our parents, teachers, and friends, and the expectations placed upon us. We are a very opinionated society. When we identify with these opinions, they become an illusion of objective truth.

When our opinions become our objective truth, we’ll do anything to defend it. In most cases, that comes in the form of judging others and disapproving of anything that opposes one’s belief system.  People who don’t agree with our identities are only seen as threats. We are supposed to be social creatures, but the more we define ourselves by things that mean nothing, the more separation it will cause. Instead, we want to identify with something that unites us all. We want to have the identity of the one thing that is true. The one thing that lasts beyond a fad or another change in perception. We want to be Love.

About Andrew Williams

I believe that connection is the most important part of the human experience. I want people to remember that we are all connected, even with our diversity, which should be celebrated. Any form of separation is a step toward judgment and inequality. I love people. I would love for my work to benefit the betterment of others.

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