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Category: Mind
How to Be More Like Children
The next part of my growth is being a kid again. That sounds crazy, but there’s a method behind trying to Benjamin Button.
Professionalism and Other Forms of Prejudice
Professionalism is the perception of the dominant culture. A perception that rejects the uniqueness of others.
The Importance of Having a Broader Perspective
Having a wider perspective is something that’s important to me and something I’m trying to learn. Here’s why
There’s No Need to Be So Defensive
Defensiveness is such a learned behavior that is hard to break. Once we find a way to remove it from our nature, we can find more peace.
The Negatives of Toxic Positivity
It’s great to be positive, but that doesn’t mean you should hide in positivity when a situation is less than ideal
Why Minding Your Business is Always Sound Advice
We all have issues. The problem in most cases is that we tend to focus on the problems of the world rather than our own.
Why It’s Important to Lean into Discomfort
We want to remove ourselves away from pain. We almost want to feel good all the time, but that’s impossible. So how do we deal with pain.
What Does it Mean to Think Abundantly
The worst lie you could tell yourself is that you’re not enough. We do it all the time though. If it’s not us, it’s the fact that we don’t have enough money. We don’t have enough time. Some people thing that they can’t do something, unless something else happens. One of those grinders may believe…
What Does it Mean to be Radically Responsible?
Sometimes life happens to us. Most times we blame others for our misfortunes. The crazy thing about blaming others is that it’s basically a knee jerk reaction that’s become our default any time something goes wrong. The problem is we’re usually not aware of this. I believe someone said that life is 1% of what…
What it Means to Be a Servant Leader
If I were to describe myself as a leader, it would be a servant leader. I think I have a tough time establishing myself as a leader because of it. Yet, it aligns so much with who I am. It’s so different than what prototypical leader is meant to be. So, what is a servant…