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Category: Mind
The Difference Between Happiness and Pleasure
We tend to confuse happiness and pleasure. To simplify, pleasure is stimulated outside of us whereas happiness is created within.
Things Start to Change Once We Realize We’re All Connected
We live in a world that makes us believe that we are separate from each other. I do believe that this is the reason for most of our troubles.
Friendly Reminder that You Are Still Not Your Mistakes
You are not your mistakes. Mistakes aren’t permanent and we should keep that the guilt that may come with a mistake.
Projecting Your Emotions Onto Other People
The opinions of ourselves and others are not our own. A lot of them are project from other’s emotions that need attending to.
Punishing People When They Make a Mistake Doesn’t Work
I feel like we’re ready to punish people who don’t follow the rules any chance we get. But the end of the day, does it really work?
Criticism and Feedback are Not the Same Thing
We know from childhood that criticism never works, yet we still do it. Why is it? Maybe it has more to do with our ego.
The One Thing We Must Do is Keep Moving Forward
There are going to be times where we get knocked off of our path. When this happens, we have to make sure that we keep going.
The Difference Between Wisdom and Knowledge
There’s a difference between knowledge and wisdom. A lot of people have knowledge, not a lot people have wisdom.
Why Do We Celebrate Juneteenth?
Do you know why you have the day off on Monday? This article can give you a little insight
Ambition May Cost More Than We Think
There’s nothing wrong with ambition. It can, however, turn toxic when we only put an unhealthy amount of emphasis on ourselves.