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Category: Mind
Detaching From the Outcomes of Our Work
Though the unwise cling to their actions, watching for results, the wise are free of attachments, and act for the well-being of the whole world.
Why I’m No Longer Apologizing
The people around me may hold different perspectives than I do. No one is right or wrong. It’s just differen
What Are You Trying to Avoid?
Sometimes I think we hate our lives. We do whatever we can to avoid it, whether that be TV (I’m guilty), video games, booze, drugs, or anything else that distracts us from our emotions and how we experience life.
Busyness Preoccupies Us From Actually Living Life
In a society driven by productivity, where being constantly busy is the norm, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters.
Finding the Pleasure Within Our Pain
You can’t get hurt if your expectation is that you’ll get hurt.
I No Longer Believe in Accountability
What does it mean to be accountable? It might be a way to show that one person is better than the other. A way to guilt our fellow people
What Causes the Need to Always Be Right?
Why is there always a need to be right? Is it possible to not care about facts in order to remove the shame and guilt of being wrong?
What We Can Learn from Nonviolent Resistance
I believe it’s our civic duty to resist any unjust laws or rules that harm the wellbeing of any being. This should be the spirit of MLK day.
Why Unquestioned Obedience to Authority is Dangerous
Unquestioned obedience to anyone can cause serious damage. It doesn’t matter if you are at home with family or at work.
Why it’s Important to Be One with Nature
I always took nature for granted, so if I were to have a resolution this year, it would be to appreciate our natural world.