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Category: Mind
Avoidance Paradox: What You Avoid, Annoys
When we do our work and focus on trying not to make a mistake, a mistake is inevitable.
How I Rebuilt My Confidence From the Ground Up
Thinking back on my story, confidence was the thing I lost the most when failing at my different job stops. I return to the idea of the three little pigs, realizing I built my foundation on straw and sticks. When life’s winds came around, my house fell. I questioned everything. Was I good at my…
Abiding in God’s Joy and Peace
Father Richard names the dance between joy and sadness as a necessary paradox of life:
Being of Service to Others: Beyond Obligations and Outcomes
It is very difficult to transcend the monotonous expectations of the workplace. We still have performance reviews, deadlines, and an unspoken drive to only succeed.
The First Side of the Story Isn’t Always the Truth
We’d like to believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but we usually take the side of the story we hear first.
I grew up in a culture that embraced physical touch. Then I came to America
I knew a monkey once. She belonged to the woman who owned the hotel across the street from my childhood home in Ethiopia.
Perpetrating a Cycle of Guilt and Punishment
If we don’t have the justice system or our parents to punish us when we feel guilty, we do it ourselves.
The Positivity in Seeing the Negative
I’ve come to realize negative outcomes are just as likely as positive. Not thinking about the other side doesn’t make it go away.
Holding On to Strong Opinions Will Only Harm You
You’d think we’d change our position in the face of new information, but after many battles within the mind, we typically stay stubborn to our dominant beliefs.
The Difficult Choice of Long-Term Benefits Over the Short Term
Perennial joy or passing pleasure? This is the choice one is to make always. — Katha Upanishad 1:2:2