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Category: Mind
Why Certainty Is a Myth: Embracing Uncertainty for a Fuller Life
Even if I’m aware of this bias, I can’t shake the need to plan because society makes it seem important to be certain.
The Art of Unlearning, Relearning, and Growing
I constantly struggle with the illusion of certainty. I’ve believed in expertise for too long, but there’s no way to know everything about anything. Maybe expertise isn’t a good thing, but a fabricated sense of comfort so one no longer has to be uncomfortable with learning. Learning comes with stress as one fears failure due…
The Golden Rule of Reciprocity
If I give you a gift and the act of gift-giving gives me a tingling feeling because of your appreciation, you’ve already reciprocated.
Embracing Responsibility in Every Yes and No
Saying “yes” to something I don’t agree with does little to my well-being as I am not only stuck with the responsibility of acting out the “yes” but also resent the thing or the person I didn’t agree with.
Exploring the Fallacy of the Social Contract and Forced Rules
Just because I was born in the United States does not mean I have to abide by its rules. I never gave my consent; it was just expected of me.
Why I Stopped Believing in Romance
Most romantic relationships are special when one person is of greater importance than just about anyone else.
How to Break Free from External Validation
To be a part of this community, you must follow the rules and values set by the community. This allows communities to ostracize people who don’t live up to the ideal. This means that communities are not only defined by what they are but also by what they are not.
Why Certainty Is an Illusion and Humility Is Key
There will always be something to learn. To take my advice as absolute would be a mistake.
Who Am I? A Journey Beyond Labels, Culture, and Identity
Yet, none of these things are who I am. If I had the option to do nothing, who would I be?
How to Move Forward and Let Go of the Past
Rumination is an attempt to be comfortable with the negativity that has happened. I let the scenario roll over and over in my head just to be comfortable.