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The Misplaced Value of Effort and Suffering
I live in a capitalistic environment where effort is lauded. It’s a culture that doesn’t quit. Never say die might be a slogan. I look upon those who are successful and say that they built their success on their own. Countless nights with no sleep, working on what I call the American Dream. It’s a narrative that gets pushed on the working class to work more as the only solution to gain monetary success by pushing magazine covers of Kylie Jenner as touting to be a “self-made” billionaire.
I put so much meaning into what I call effort. To accomplish anything, I’ll have to put in the work. If I want to prove my commitment to my job, my relationships, and myself, I’m going to have to put in the effort. By effort, I mean that I have to suffer and I must sacrifice. With much suffering I think I have to endure, the American Dream turns into a nightmare.
Remember when I talked about Friedrich Nietzsche and how I believe my value is derived from my morality? If I ask myself, I would perceive the person who works the hardest to also be the most moral in comparison to someone who is perceived to be lazy. That’s why I believe the person experiencing homelessness is immoral. They must be if they aren’t working. Oddly enough, the hard worker is perceived in good moral standing even if the extra work didn’t produce anything more or anything of higher quality. More oddly, I tend to praise the person who takes more exertion to complete the task than a person who can do the same task with little effort.
Rooting for the Underdog
This is the reason why I root for the underdog. I would rather root for the person facing adversity rather than the person who’s reached success more easily. If I watch the NBA or NFL drafts, ESPN conditionally loves the rags-to-riches story of a kid who was raised in a single-parent household, grew up in a low-income neighborhood, and now gets to make millions of dollars playing the sport that they love. Meanwhile, the person who doesn’t have that story but went to the same number of practices and games kind of gets overlooked. Maybe even booed because their journey to this milestone wasn’t as difficult. The effort put in to get to the same stage makes one person more deserving than the other.
Complexity Beats Simplicity
This also translates to environments in which simpler solutions are devalued. For some reason, I believe that because a solution is complicated, it’s the better solution. The more effort I put into this solution, the better the outcome. I’ve been in predicaments where I would advocate for a simpler solution and would be turned down because it was too simple. My complicated issue should not be solved with something so easy. Maybe it’s because I don’t want the solution to be easier than the effort exerted to create the problem. The more effort, the more value I place upon it.
Suffering Means Commitment?
I tend to value suffering because suffering means commitment. Think about Rocky Balboa’s training montage when he was dedicated to fighting Apollo Creed. He was punching meat in a freezer and running up hundreds of sets of stairs. He was suffering, but the suffering proved his commitment to boxing. It’s the same reason why Michael Jackson spent most of his youth recording music and rehearsing rather than playing outside like the child he was. I even believe that having a relationship means that effort is involved. My effort shows my level of commitment.
I look back to the two years of working four jobs and question my identity as a job hopper. Each opportunity, in different ways, wasn’t for me. Would it make sense for me to continue to suffer in the name of commitment? Do I believe recruiters and hiring managers will look at that time in my career unfavorably? The answer to that question is most likely yes. I see five months here and six months there as a lack of commitment. Even if it means living days with anxiety and depression for not finding a workplace that aligns with who I am and how I work. I look back and realize I did make the right decision. My mental health, and in some cases my physical health, is much more important than suffering through experiences just because of how I’d be judged once I left.
Suffering Makes Me Better Than You
Suffering and effort are yet other things that cause separation. People believe that they are better than other people because they work harder. Hard workers look down on people they think are slacking because if the hard workers can do the work, so should everyone else. I’ve had experiences where this logic prevailed. Not everyone wants to be managers, bosses, and entrepreneurs. Some people want to make an impact with the least effort possible, go home, and enjoy their lives. I look down on the person experiencing homelessness and have opposition to welfare because people need to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” If there is one example of someone doing it, then it is possible for everyone. It only creates an expectation that if I suffer, I should be able to suffer along with me. If I don’t, I am not the same.
Questions and Responses
Effort is often glorified in capitalist societies because it aligns with the ideal of the “self-made” individual. Success is portrayed as a direct result of hard work and sacrifice, reinforcing the belief that anyone can achieve prosperity with enough effort. This narrative sustains the American Dream and encourages workers to strive harder, even if the promised rewards are elusive.
In many cultures, hard work is equated with morality. People who exert themselves are often seen as more virtuous compared to those perceived as lazy. This belief persists even if the additional effort doesn’t result in a better outcome, creating a bias that favors exertion over efficiency.
Rooting for the underdog reflects a collective admiration for overcoming adversity. Stories of individuals rising from difficult circumstances resonate deeply because they highlight resilience, grit, and triumph despite the odds. This preference often overshadows those who achieve success without significant hardship, even if their efforts are comparable.
Suffering is often seen as proof of commitment, but this belief can be misleading. While dedication and perseverance are valuable, equating suffering with success may cause people to endure unnecessary hardships. Prioritizing well-being and finding balanced ways to achieve goals can often be more effective than sheer endurance.
Many individuals mistakenly equate complexity with superiority. A complex solution may seem more valuable because of the effort required to create or execute it, even when a simpler alternative could achieve the same result.
Hard work doesn’t always guarantee better results. Success often depends on a combination of factors, including strategy, resources, and opportunities. While effort is crucial, overworking without clear objectives or efficient methods can lead to diminishing returns and burnout.
The “self-made” narrative can create unrealistic expectations, suggesting that anyone who works hard enough will achieve success. It ignores systemic inequalities and privileges that often play significant roles in success stories, thus putting undue pressure on individuals to constantly overperform.
The concept of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” is controversial because it oversimplifies the challenges people face. It assumes that everyone has equal opportunities and ignores systemic barriers, such as poverty, education inequality, and discrimination, that can make self-reliance unrealistic for many.
Yes, prioritizing mental health is essential. While hard work is important, enduring toxic environments or excessive stress for the sake of commitment can be detrimental. Protecting mental and physical well-being often leads to greater long-term success and satisfaction.
Not at all. Wanting a balanced life is a personal choice and perfectly valid. Ambition isn’t universal, and many people prioritize happiness, relationships, and leisure over relentless career advancement. Striking a balance between work and personal fulfillment is key to overall well-being.
Effort is often romanticized because it symbolizes dedication and hard work, even when efficiency might yield better results. Societal norms sometimes reward visible effort over intelligent problem-solving, perpetuating a culture that prioritizes “hard work” over “smart work.”
The perception that hard work equals morality can lead to stigmatizing homelessness. Many people view homelessness as a result of laziness, ignoring systemic issues such as mental illness, unemployment, or lack of affordable housing. This bias creates a false moral hierarchy based on work ethic.
Simple solutions are undervalued because they may seem too easy or lack the perceived sophistication of more complex approaches. However, simplicity often leads to efficiency and practicality, making it a superior choice in many scenarios.
Effort is one way to demonstrate commitment, but it’s not the only one. Achieving goals through strategic planning, innovation, or teamwork can also reflect dedication. Commitment is ultimately about the results achieved, not just the sacrifices made.
Success can be redefined by focusing on outcomes, balance, and well-being rather than solely on effort and suffering. A more holistic view includes recognizing creativity, resourcefulness, and collaboration as equally valuable traits in achieving goals.