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Category: Heart
Resistance to Fear and the Willingness to Move Forward
How do I know when I am afraid? Through this learning process, I’ve realized that I need opposites to learn what things truly mean. Courage is not the absence of fear, but true courage needs fear to act courageously. When I am afraid, I fail to accept that I don’t know the unknown. I fear…
Getting Comfortable with Contradictions
I’ve been completely enthralled with contradictions and paradoxes. Most of the time my brain has been trying to reconcile opposites. We don’t sit with contradictions for too long. If anything, we try to get rid of them when they come up. How can I receive joy from sadness? How is there life through death? We…
There’s No Such Thing As Good Behavior
It almost seems as though judging good behaviors in others is a form of narcissism because it only takes into account how we feel when others behave.
The Fear of Diving into the Unknown
The unknown creates a freedom that we would never know if we stick to what we do.
Seeing the Beauty in Diversity
To counteract nature, we create a structure in which rules create order.
How Much Does Happiness Cost?
The crazy thing about our world is that materialism is only showcased to us as positive.
The Importance of Seeing With an Open Heart
What do we do when people are being hateful and mean? It may be safe to say that this lashing out has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Creating a Culture of Partnership Instead of Domination
Any type of control or force is a form of violence because control kills the spirit.
We’re All Slaves. Why Not Be a Slave to Life?
We understand that even when negativity arrives, even when we feel as though we are being punished, we can endure because we realize that Life only has its best interest for us.
Communication Skills are Overrated
The reason why we have so much negativity in our relationships is because we don’t allow others to be who they are. In just about every relationship, the goal seems to be to change the other person.