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Halsey Creates Her Own Identity in Cosmopolitan
The lovely pop star, Halsey, graces the pages of the new Cosmo issue. In the new issue, the beautiful brunette talks about creating her own identity through her bipolar disorder and her breakup with G-Eazy. Shot by Peggy Sirota, Halsey shows some skin while also rocking some high fashion labels such as Versace, Gucci and DSquared2.
On finding an identity
“Are you a crazy, rambunctious bad girl, or are you an activist, political, fundraising philanthropist? Like, how fucking immune are you to the human experience? Sometimes I want to have really good sex and sometimes I want to save the world, and sometimes I might try to do both in the same day!”
On doing whatever she wants
“That’s the problem: I’ll do what I want, knock down everyone in my path who says I shouldn’t, and then when people don’t like it, I’m like, ‘Why?!’ When I made ‘Nightmare,’ there were people saying, ‘I don’t think this is the move. You just had a number one song and now you’re gonna put out this weird, political song that’s not safe.’ Well, yeah, that’s why I’m gonna do it.”
“But I love that, because I wake up every day wild-eyed and spongy, trying to do things better than the last time.”
– Halsey
On how music helps her bipolar disorder
“I have bipolar disorder, and I get bored of shit really quickly. Music is this thing that I get to focus all my chaotic energy into, and it’s not a void that doesn’t love me back. It’s been the only place I can direct all that and have something to show for it that tells me, ‘Hey, you’re not that bad.’ If my brain is a bunch of broken glass, I get to make it into a mosaic.”
On being true to herself after break up with G-Eazy
“I was doing Good Morning America and I’m in a blonde wig and white patent-leather outfit, twirling around while I’m going through a heinous breakup. I look down and there are these two girls, one with pink hair, one with blue hair, septum piercings, cool as fuck, still loving me, probably knowing what a weird time I’m going through. I looked at them, looked at myself in my sparkly Britney Spears outfit, and went, Ohhh no, they deserve way better than this. If those girls can be that brave in who they are, then I owe them better than this homogenized bullshit. If the worst thing that’s happened to me so far is I wore dumb clothes and dated a shitty dude, I think I’m doing all right.”