photo of person's hand with words yes and no

The Difficult Choice of Long-Term Benefits Over the Short Term

Perennial joy or passing pleasure? This is the choice one is to make always.

— Katha Upanishad 1:2:2

Everything we do has a choice. When it comes to the choice between joy and pleasure, I find it considerably difficult because most of us associate joy with pleasure, even if that pleasure doesn’t last forever. In the case of this meditation, joy is an everlasting benefit whereas pleasure is fleeting. We enjoy pleasure for a little bit, but then it goes away. What if it’s a decision between pleasure and pain? We know that pleasure brings its short-term benefits. However, it may be the case that pain brings discomfort in the short-term, but an unending peace that we can’t necessarily see until we go through the suffering. Most of us will choose the pleasure every single time. It’s a difficult decision to choose something that may give us long-term benefits over something that brings instant gratification.

Short-Term Goals Tend to Fail

Choosing the long-term benefit even when we can’t see it requires self-discipline whereas short-term gratification typically preaches releasing inhibition. As if you were to feel the rain on your skin, for example. I instinctively know that a project is going to fail if the team decides to focus on a goal we can see in the short term. This is as opposed to something that’s further out in time which takes more effort to accomplish.

For instance, creating an audience focused on engagement is much harder to cultivate. Growth can be bought with money. However, many would see low growth numbers and change their goals because of growth’s vanity. The result is a large group of people that may not care about the content with which we first set out to engage with. The increased number of people joining our group was exciting to see in the short-run but eventually meant nothing in the long.

The reason we choose instant gratification is because it strokes our ego. It gives us something we can say that we accomplished. We have this amount of people in our newsletter. It doesn’t matter if that amount of people read it. Instant gratification typically delivers on its promise, but much like a drug, it wears off. We find ourselves looking for the next high. The antidote to this addiction to pleasure is not to do the thing that is pleasing, or displeasing. It’s best to choose the thing that has a greater impact on our well-being.

Awareness Before Deciding

This is what all decision-making comes down to. Am I only accepting this job because of the belief that it will only bring me the pleasure that my current job isn’t giving me? Will that pleasure last? Is working long hours, or studying into the wee hours of the night going to be worth the accomplishment that I receive from doing so? Or will it only damage my peace of mind and cause resentment because the recognition of things I’ve done is fleeting? Should I call out my friend for hurting me with his words? Yelling at my child will make me feel better because it lets off steam, but will it give me peace? If the benefit of the choice is easily seen, it’s probably a choice that won’t bring a long-lasting benefit. Even if the alternative brings pain. We know, that just like pleasure, pain doesn’t last forever.

Questions and Responses

What is the difference between joy and pleasure?

Joy is a deep, lasting sense of fulfillment and contentment that can remain even through hardship, while pleasure is a fleeting, temporary feeling of happiness or satisfaction. Pleasure often fades quickly, leaving us searching for the next momentary high, whereas joy endures and provides a more sustainable sense of well-being.

Why do people tend to choose short-term pleasure over long-term benefits?

People often choose short-term pleasure because it offers immediate gratification and an ego boost. The quick sense of accomplishment or satisfaction is easier to attain than the delayed reward of long-term benefits, which require patience, discipline, and often hard work. Instant gratification is tempting because it’s tangible and immediate, while long-term goals can feel uncertain or distant.

How can we make decisions that prioritize long-term joy over short-term pleasure?

To prioritize long-term joy, it’s important to cultivate self-awareness and discipline. Before making a decision, ask yourself if the benefit is short-term and if it aligns with your deeper values or goals. Choosing actions that promote personal growth, well-being, and lasting satisfaction over instant gratification helps foster long-term joy.

Why do short-term goals often fail?

Short-term goals often fail because they focus on immediate results rather than sustainable growth. While short-term efforts may provide a quick win, they often lack the foundation for long-term success. When we chase instant gratification, we can lose sight of our bigger goals and end up with results that are temporary and unfulfilling.

How does choosing long-term joy require self-discipline?

Choosing long-term joy requires self-discipline because it means delaying immediate gratification and enduring potential discomfort in the short term. This often involves making difficult choices, such as prioritizing hard work, personal growth, or difficult conversations, all of which may not provide an immediate payoff but lead to more meaningful outcomes in the long run.

What role does awareness play in decision-making between pleasure and long-term benefits?

Awareness is crucial because it helps us pause and reflect before making a decision. Being aware of our motivations—whether we’re seeking immediate pleasure or making a choice for deeper, long-lasting fulfillment—allows us to make more intentional decisions. Awareness helps us recognize that short-term pleasure often comes with fleeting benefits, while long-term choices, even if uncomfortable, lead to greater peace and joy.