
Category: Heart

  • Men Fall in Love Faster than Women

    Men Fall in Love Faster than Women

    It’s good that we are talking about toxic masculinity during my time. One thing that seems to be missing is the heterosexual relationship that men have with women. The narrative, especially if you’re a black male like me, is that we don’t love girls. It’s money over women. Bros before hoes. It’s sucks that I…

  • Giving Money to Others May Make You Happy

    Giving Money to Others May Make You Happy

    They say money doesn’t buy you happiness. I tend to agree, but not the reason why most think. I’ve always been a little frugal with money, but I’ve stopped considered who I’m buying for. Buying clothes and shoes for myself will never give me long-term happiness, but I know the power in using my money…

  • Your Relationships Reflect the Relationship with Yourself

    Your Relationships Reflect the Relationship with Yourself

    As an introvert, I’m pretty envious of people who can walk into the room and be the life of the party. They can call on so many people who know their name because they have thriving relationships. As I grow older, I’m starting to question whether I can do the same thing and whether being…

  • Holding Hands Can Help Relieve Pain

    Holding Hands Can Help Relieve Pain

    According to a study, holding a hand while your partner is going through pain can help them feel better. When lovers touch the breath and heartbeat sync and the feeling of discomfort starts to decrease. Researchers in the study tested the healing power of touch by asking women in relationship be subjected to pain. They…

  • Stop Being Such a Try Hard

    Stop Being Such a Try Hard

    Don’t try too hard at what you’re doing? In this world of getting things done, you might be asking why? You shouldn’t try so hard because it comes off as desperation. Trying too hard comes from a place where you feel like your actions are inadequate. You’re efforts aren’t good enough, so you must try…

  • Olivia Munn Stands Up For What’s Right for Women’s Health

    Olivia Munn Stands Up For What’s Right for Women’s Health

    I’ve always loved Olivia Munn. You would definitely know that from my first run with the blog for sure. We haven’t seen her much since her last X-Men movie, but she shows up in the new pages of Women’s Health with a new interview. In her interview, the beautiful entertainer talks about training for roles,…

  • How to Create a Great Morning Routine with Claudia Wilkinson

    How to Create a Great Morning Routine with Claudia Wilkinson

    I just recently got into having a morning routine of my own. I usually wake up at around 5am, do some body workouts, mediate, and do some reading. I won’t actually tell you to do the same thing because everyone has their own methods that work for them. What I will do is give you…

  • The Characteristics of Highly Intelligent People

    The Characteristics of Highly Intelligent People

    Growing up, I would never really consider myself smart. Yeah, I got good grades, but I thought that being smart that you were constantly in a book and new facts about everything. That wasn’t me. To this day, I’m not the one to be quick to answer, confident, and certain at all times. My definition…

  • Victim Mentality and How to Ease Your Way Out of It

    Victim Mentality and How to Ease Your Way Out of It

    If you were to Google victim right now, the definition you would receive is, “a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.” This harm can be physical, mental, and emotional. From one time to another, we can all say that we were a victim of…

  • Lessons from All Major Religions

    Lessons from All Major Religions

    I’d love to say that this article is for all people. You could be an atheist and not believe in a higher power. These lessons that I will write about will help everyone in their everyday life. I’m a practicing Christian, but with this blog and my own studies on the subject. I hope to…