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A Flower Can’t Bloom in Poor Soil
I spend a lot of time talking about self-development on the blog. It’s important to improve the things I can control. I’d be remiss not to discuss the other part of the equation. Sometimes, I can do all I can to be my best self, but it’s hard to realize my potential when the environment doesn’t allow it. I’ve heard the saying that I am a product of my environment. It’s so true. I’m not the same person since moving from my hometown, and I’m not the same person since leaving my longest-tenured job. Part of my growth is moving to different environments so that different aspects of my personality can shine.
When finding my potential, I need an environment that allows me to be my highest self. Sometimes, the environment can do what the person cannot. A person with low self-esteem can walk into an environment of love and encouragement. From there, I can see the evolution. The same thing can be said about a bad environment. A person with so much potential can move into a bad situation and be corrupted by the environment. Ideally, I would love my jobs, friends, and society to encourage seeing me as an individual with individual needs, but this blog would not be needed if that were the case. I can be placed in a bad situation and feel helpless because no one can guide me on my path.
The Good and the Bad
It’s hard to objectively look at an environment and see if it’s good or bad for someone. I was raised in a poor city called Pomona. I went to high school on the street, where I regularly saw homelessness and prostitution. The high school was a haven. A place where my teachers encouraged me to do well and my friends wanted the best for each other. It was hard to get caught up in what was happening in the streets because I was too busy with after-school activities at school. That environment helped me become a success and get me into college when the alternative could have been much worse.
The environment can be a toxic relationship. One person who consistently abuses me, constantly lies, and constantly doesn’t show love can bring me down. I start to feel like I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. The only thing I can do is prove my worthiness towards that person, but it never works. It just leads to hurt, anxiety, and depression. A certain weight lifts off my shoulders, and I feel peace when I leave that situation.
Why is the Environment So Important?
The reason why the environment is so important is because it influences decisions. Sometimes consciously, most times unconsciously. If I want to live a certain way, it could be hard just because of what is around me. It’s hard to show authenticity in a world that punishes it. It’s hard for me to speak up when the world would rather see someone like me not have an opinion. On a macro level, there are systems in place for everyone else to have an opinion of me and for me to shut down any characteristic different from one’s made-up mind about me. Think I’m lying? Try to be different. It’s very hard. Since I can’t change society, I can change the environment around me.
Cultivating My Environment
Key categories for cultivating a favorable environment include personal relationships, family life, office and company culture, and religious/belief systems. These are environments I influence. Environments like my political system, economic system, or financial markets are hard to change unless I pick up everything and move. Family life is also hard to change. I am not afforded a choice in which family I am born into, but the spouse I choose later in life can create some change.
This is why I should focus on what I can control the best part of my personal development. This is where the intersection of my power and environment meets. When I cultivate my talents and love for myself, I find ways my environment can positively impact me. Once I realize that I have the power to create my environment, I begin to wield more freedom.
Know My Needs
I need an environment that aligns with my identity and where I want to go. I know an environment is not right for me when it influences me to do things I don’t want. I am anxious when I go to work because I know my responsibilities go against my values. It might be time to change or adjust when I step into a place that doesn’t feel right.
I say change or adjust because sometimes I am in predicaments where I can’t change my environment. All I can do is try to make the best of it. It’s all about my level of control over my situation. Leaving a job is hard when I need the money to survive. At least, that’s what I’m told. It’s very easy to leave that boyfriend, though. When looking to improve my environment, remember the serenity prayer in accepting the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. If I need a change of scenery, let’s not let fear be the thing that holds me back.
Questions and Responses
The environment shapes our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions. A supportive environment fosters growth, self-esteem, and positive habits, while a toxic one can hinder progress, instill self-doubt, and negatively influence decision-making.
While individual resilience and self-development play a role, prolonged exposure to a negative environment can limit a person’s potential. A supportive setting often provides the encouragement and tools necessary to thrive.
Signs of an unhealthy environment include constant feelings of anxiety or dread, discouragement from pursuing your goals, lack of support, and being influenced to act against your values or identity.
If leaving isn’t an immediate option, focus on what you can control. Build small, positive routines, seek external support (like therapy or community groups), and find ways to distance yourself emotionally from negativity until a change becomes feasible.
Your environment can either amplify or suppress aspects of your identity. A supportive environment allows you to express your true self and pursue your goals, while a restrictive one may pressure you to conform to others’ expectations or limit your potential.
Yes, changing your environment can lead to remarkable improvements. A positive environment can unlock potential, boost confidence, and encourage growth while removing yourself from toxic surroundings can bring peace and clarity.
Focus on personal relationships, workplace culture, family dynamics, and belief systems. You often have influence in these areas and can make deliberate changes to align with your values and goals.
When your environment consistently makes you feel anxious, unfulfilled, or disconnected from your values, consider leaving. Trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being over fear of change.
Self-development empowers you to recognize your needs, set boundaries, and cultivate a positive environment. It helps you identify what aligns with your goals and values, giving you the confidence to make changes where necessary.