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Category: Heart
Afghan girl who encouraged others to sing wins children’s peace prize
A 17-year-old who is not allowed to speak in public in her own country has won a prestigious international award for advocating for the rights of Afghan girls.
Compassion And Empathy Are Two Different Skills—Here’s How To Build Both
And why you should, according to psychologists.
The Danger of Losing Yourself in Relationships
We believe that we need to sacrifice ourselves for love, but love is everlasting. Relationships end.
Intrinsic Motivation: Focusing on Process Over Outcomes
We have never formally learned how to look within ourselves to find the motivation to express outwardly what we feel inside.
Why Embracing Your Limits Can Lead to Real Success and Peace
We have the power to choose our activities, and the “no’s” in life create the boundaries to the path that we walk on.
How Pain and Hardship Shape Personal Growth and Inner Strength
I tend to believe that there is a reason for our suffering. We don’t understand until we see our way through it and get the chance to reflect.
The Power of Non-Attachment and Letting Go
When discussing slavery here, we aren’t talking about 1619. We are not talking about people working for no living wage, or to clear a debt. The slavery we are referring to is our attachment to the things of this world. Think about it. We want stuff, obtain stuff, and then we become a slave to…
I’m Pretty Good at Writing About Pride
The more we attribute negativity towards ourselves, the more we spiral into the states of depression we seek to remove ourselves from, ironically with more pride.
Rediscovering True Love Through Selflessness and Compassion
Ironically, doubling down on self-love confirms the need for external validation by trying to become its opposite.
Resistance to Fear and the Willingness to Move Forward
How do I know when I am afraid? Through this learning process, I’ve realized that I need opposites to learn what things truly mean. Courage is not the absence of fear, but true courage needs fear to act courageously. When I am afraid, I fail to accept that I don’t know the unknown. I fear…